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Board Meeting Facts

Board Meeting Facts

Certain boards follow a specific agenda structure simply because it’s the way they’ve always been. This can be a time-waster. While the structure of board meetings isn’t an unreligious event There are some important things to take into account to ensure that the discussions are productive.

A successful meeting depends on delivering the correct information to your board members in advance. This often means sending your board members a comprehensive document prior to the meeting, so they can familiarize themselves the issues to be discussed. This helps them arrive at the meeting prepared to participate in a thoughtful discussion, rather than trying to catch up while a report is being presented.

It’s also a great opportunity to distribute bios of board members and other pertinent documents such as organizational policies, bylaws and annual budgets in advance of. This will help your board members be prepared to discuss these items and also save a lot of time during the meeting itself because your attendees won’t have to read through materials that could be discussed during other topics on the agenda.

It is essential to ensure all agenda items are addressed during the meeting. Tangential discussions can cause a lot of delay to the meeting. If something is not addressed in the future, it could have significant consequences for the company. It’s also essential that the board approves a draft of the minutes. This is important to avoid misrepresentations of the actual event as it’s being written down particularly if it’s an unapproved draft from an individual who was present at the meeting.